To control our bodies’ blood sugar levels, experts advise maintaining a healthy diet. Onions may assist in the task, according to a recent study. Diabetes is probably the condition that affects the most people today.

About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). “Type-2 diabetes is the most prevalent type of the disease and typically affects adults. It develops when the body stops producing enough insulin or becomes resistant to insulin. Type-2 diabetes is now much more common than it was thirty years ago in all income levels of nations. According to a WHO report, type 1 diabetes, formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin on its own.

For this reason, experts advise constantly monitoring our diet and lifestyle in order to control the body’s blood sugar levels. According to a recent study, onions might be useful in the process.

One of the most widely used ingredients in cooking, onions are a treasure trove of beneficial health traits. The adequate flavonoid (and antioxidant) content of onions contributes to the maintenance of a healthy blood glucose level in humans. According to a report in the Independent, a 2015 study presented at the 97th annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in San Diego showed that the extract of an onion bulb can “strongly lower” high blood sugar and total cholesterol levels when given along with the anti-diabetic drug metformin. Anthony Ojieh, Delta State University in Abraka, Nigeria, who is the study’s lead author, claims that onions are available and may be used to treat and manage diabetes.

Another study found that onions may contain compounds that control blood sugar spikes. This study was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Now you might be wondering how to incorporate onions into a diabetes-friendly diet. The study gave a response to that. According to a study that was written up in the journal Environmental Health Insights, raw, fresh onions are best for our bodies. According to the study, both type-1 and type-2 diabetics’ blood glucose levels were lowered by eating fresh onions.

In order to maintain your overall health, experts advise adding onions to your sandwich, soup, or salad or simply eating them by themselves. But always keep in mind that moderation is key.

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